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Learn How To Become Bulletproof To Your Failures

I know running into failures is one of the hardest pills to swallow. Over the years of trial and error, I’ve had my fair share of failures and at first, I will admit that I took those failures very hard. However, it’s gotten to a point now in my life where I realize that those […]

Manifestation Tools To Help You Manifest Your Dream Life

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure for more information. Whenever it comes to manifesting certain things in my life, I personally love the idea of using manifestation tools, but I do want to point out […]

Self Love Tips That Will Actually Help You Learn To Love Yourself

Let’s be real for a second…. I’m getting tired of some of these self love tips that are just surface level bullsh*t. And trust that this is coming from someone who took a long time to love herself. I’m not saying all self love advice is pointless, but I’m someone that likes to get deep. […]

6 Ways To Embody Your Goddess Energy

I’ve talked about energies before on my blog where we all embody masculine and feminine energy and what traits to find when it comes to the divine masculine and feminine energy. But this time, since this is something I’ve literally been working through myself, I wanted to talk more specifically the goddess energy and ways […]

6 Signs That Show It’s Time To Uplevel Your Life

Since the new year, I’ve been going through a lot of shifts in my life where I found myself craving massive change in my life. It was like my environment didn’t serve me anymore, where I was at in my life was becoming outdated, and I was ready for new experiences. And this isn’t my […]

6 Ways To Overcome Perfectionism And Being A Perfectionist

As a Virgo sun, manifesting generator (if you know Human Design) working in the creative content field, I find myself struggling to overcome perfectionism SO many times. I thought, for the longest time, being a perfectionist was honorable because it meant that I could get the job done right. And oh sh*t, was that a […]

Five Ways To Create A Wealthy Mindset For A Richer Life

The number one thing that has made wealthy people actually wealthy starts within the mindset. Coming from a huge bookworm like myself, as well as someone who loves working in the personal development field, I found that successful people have a very common mindset when it came to building their wealth. There really is a […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Take That Leap Of Faith

If you are contemplating on taking a leap of faith, wherever you are in your life, then this blog post is for you! So recently, I have taken a huge leap of faith in my life and to be honest, this is actually my SECOND huge attempt at taking a leap of faith. And during […]

Difference Between Fixed Mindset And Growth Mindset

We know how powerful the mindset is when it comes to making everlasting change in our lives. In fact, did you know that many well-known successful people cultivate the same mindset that contributes to their success? It just takes a simple shift in the mindset in order to create a life that you truly desire. […]

Difference Between Inspired Action Vs Forced Action

So, there’s been a misconception on what it is to actually want to take action and forcing ourselves to take action. Of course, action is necessary in order to get things done, whether that’s manifesting our dream life, achieving goals, or even just creating a better version of ourselves. However, I find that long-lasting results […]

How To Balance The Masculine And Feminine Energy

Updated: 6/21/2023 Lately I’ve been working on balancing my masculine and feminine energy since I’ve always been a woman who embodied her masculine energy side more due to my childhood and the societal pressure of having to always be “productive” and “on the go”. Nowadays, I’ve been called by my Higher Self to embody the […]

Oracle Cards That I Absolutely Love And Recommend

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure for more information. So, over the last few years I have LOVED tarot and oracle cards. I love the artwork, I love how unique each deck is, and it’s […]

How I Have Mastered The Art Of Energy Transmutation

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure for more information. Over the years of being on my spiritual journey, I have learned so much about what it’s like to be a true alchemist. For me, when […]

4 Reasons Why You Experience Commitment Issues

Commitment to anything can be freaking scary. And having commitment issues makes it even more challenging for us to navigate. Trust me, I get it! I’ve also been intimidated when it comes to commitment. However, putting in the commitment towards anything in your life, whether that’s your relationships, your goals, or even yourself is essential […]

6 Tips On How To Manifest Your Dream Body

For as long as I’ve been blogging, I’ve held off on making a post on how to manifest your dream body because I don’t ever want to put out there that you need to have certain dietary preferences and that you need to stick with one form of exercise, even if you truly aren’t into […]

How To Start Letting Go Of Your Attachments To Them

So lately, I’ve been working on a passion project and decided to take a break from editing the project in the software I was using; however, when I exited out of the software (after saving it mind you), and came back to it, the file was lost. I had literally lost the file on my […]

How You Know When You Are Manifesting Your Desires

I know what it’s like when you are manifesting your desires into your reality and you just want it so freaking badly that you might find yourself getting a little impatient about it. And sometimes, we may find ourselves overthinking the manifesting process and wonder if we’re really going to get it. After all these […]

3 Ways To Trust And Surrender To The Universe

It is in our nature as humans to know everything that is going on. We always need to know what the next step is, we need something now or we may feel like we will never get it again, and we need to look like we have it all together. Sound like you? It’s ok […]

12 Laws Of The Universe To Help You Manifest

Did you know that the Law of Attraction is only one of the laws of the universe? That’s right, there are actually several laws put in place for us to use to our advantage, especially if you are getting into the world of manifestation! Honestly, the list seems endless! There seems to be more Universal […]

All About Energy Vampires And How To Deal With Them

I know it’s only September and I’m not trying to get into spooky season super early, but I really wanted to talk about vampires. I’m not talking about the ones dressed up in capes, paper-thin skin, and sharp fangs. I’m talking about the ones that are walking among us right now, without us realizing it. […]