How To Build Self-Trust Within Yourself

Self-trust is the foundation of getting sh*t done.

Think about it this way: you have goals in mind that you want to accomplish, yet, you haven’t made the steps to achieve any of your goals.

Why is that?

Is it being afraid of failure?

Is it because of what other people say about your goals?

Or, is it really because you have a lot of self-doubt and don’t believe you can handle these goals?

In reality, it’s because we don’t have self-trust within ourselves. When you have a deep sense of self-trust, you are more willing to pull through on the things that you want. Just like you would trusting other people, self-trust involves being reliable on yourself, knowing that you are a safe space to express yourself, as well as being someone you know has your back.

So, how do we start to build self-trust?

Well, let me tell you a few mindset tips on how to build self-trust within yourself.

Table of Contents:

1. Pull through when you want to do something

After all, you would lose trust in someone if they didn’t pull through on the things that they said they would do for you, so why would that be any different with you?

I hear SO many people like this, where they always sit there and saying things like: “I’m going to start working out this year!”

They never get started…

“We’re gonna plan to go to Europe and travel all over!”

Never do it…

“One day, I’m going to go back to college and get my degree!”

Never gets done…

You see? Any decision whether it’s big or small MATTERS.

In fact, the more you never pull through on the things you want to do, the more YOU are doing a disservice to YOURSELF and the self-trust you are trying to build.

If you wouldn’t like it if others did it to you, why do it to yourself?

Do the things you say you are going to do and do them because you trust yourself.

2. Show proof through micro moments

I’ve been doing this one for many years now that is the go-to for building up confidence.

If you have any doubts about doing something or feel anxiety or fearful around it, show proof through micro moments of similar situations you have been through that have worked out for you.

I’ll go first.

When it came to taking the entrepreneurial route, I get sh*tted on pretty badly. People in my personal life tried to convince me that I wouldn’t make money, that I wouldn’t get anywhere, and that I needed a REAL job.

However, I can prove to myself through micro moments of me being able to set my mind to something and accomplishing it.

In fact, my fitness journey is a great example of this. You know how many people want their dream body?

That’s literally the most COMMON New Year’s resolution that people have.

Fun fact: fitness was one of my resolution goals back in 2017.

And guess what? I got the body of my dreams and still love working out and challenging myself to this day.

My fitness is literal (and physical) proof that if I’m able to accomplish my dream body, I can put myself through the trials and errors of being an entrepreneur.

So, take this mindset hack for yourself and find micro moments of you getting through something similar and building up the confidence to go after the things you want.

I don’t care if this is as small as keeping up a morning routine to something big like getting through college and graduating.

Find the micro moments and you’ll find that you can trust yourself more than you realize.

3. Get to know your intuition

Everyone has intuition and everyone listens to their intuition differently

The reason why intuition is so important is because our intuition is the connection to your soul. That means your soul’s purpose is wired through your intuition and that’s how you’ll be able to know if something or someone is for you or not.

I’ve talked about intuition in many different blog posts, so I won’t go too much in depth into this topic. I do recommend checking out the other blog posts where I do into depth about intuition and how we have senses that are guided by our intuition.

Related Post: How To Listen To Your Intuition For Massive Success

Related Post: Find Out Your Psychic Abilities

 Regardless, train yourself to listen to your intuition.

This means getting alone time with yourself and asking yourself what you really want out of this life. You can even ask basic yes or no questions and see how you feel about it.

Does it feel good and expansive? That’s a good indication that your intuition says yes.

Does it give you the ick and feel constricted? Might be a no.

The more you test your intuition and follow it, the more you will be able to use your intuition to build self-trust, knowing that you are led by your soul’s desires, which matters the most of all.

4. Be your biggest cheerleader

It’s great to have people close to you cheer you on, but I feel that at the end of the day, you need to be your BIGGEST cheerleader.

If there is ever a time where people don’t pull through and cheer you on, turn their backs on you, or maybe you just don’t have a big support system, you need to know that YOU will always be there for yourself.

And honestly, if you can’t be there for yourself, then how can you expect others to do the same for you?

It all starts with you.

And even if it’s accomplishing something small or big, you need to be there for yourself and tell yourself how proud you are of yourself.

I know, it’s easier to say that then it is to do it. This is something that even I’m still working on myself.

However, self-trust is knowing that you will always be there for yourself, cheering yourself on.

So be kinder to yourself and celebrate the things that you worked through!

5. Understand how you do things

How other people do things doesn’t mean it will work for you.

Throughout my studies over the years on intuition, Human Designs, and my own trial and errors, I find that everyone is energetically (and of course biologically) wired to do things different, which makes school a joke because school only teaches children ONE way of learning (aka, the school system way).

And sure, some children can thrive in school, but others learn differently which makes it a disservice to them because they don’t fit the way the school wants them to learn.

Hence, bad grades, stupid labels, and low self-esteem happens.

So, I’ll use myself for example.

When I used to be a graphic designer, I was told that I needed to have a niche or a specific style for myself. And as someone with an open G-center (Human Design term) and Manifesting Generator (another Human Design term), I genuinely cannot put myself in a box.

I have too many interests and literally cannot sit there and just do one thing.

I thought I needed to and it really stifled my creativity and made me not want to do graphic design anymore (which I don’t, but use my skills in other ways).

I am multitalented and love learning anything I can get my hands on, so being an entrepreneur and creating content that involves using a massive amount of creativity works FOR ME.

Now for others, that sounds stressful, messy, and unorganized.

But for me, I freaking love this part of me and understand that it works for me.

Let’s take another example:

Let say you are someone who procrastinates and you tend to get a lot of sh*t for it.

Now, I know a lot of people like this, BUT, if you are still able to get sh*t done, why does it matter if you procrastinate? You may just be great under pressure and may get things done very quickly versus how long things should really take.

That’s just the way you do things. It may not be for everyone, but it works for YOU. And sometimes when we try to change ourselves for other people, it actually puts us in a worse situation than if we just did things our way.

So instead of labeling the things you do as “good” or “bad”, discover how it’s actually beneficial for you and understand your innate self and capabilities.

Knowing more about how you do things helps build self-trust within yourself.

In what ways are you going to start trusting yourself?  Share in the comment section below!

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Hi, I’m Carol! I created Here to be Inspired in order to teach YOU how to live up to your highest potential. Here, I will be talking about spirituality, self-development, law of attraction, and so much more!