Dream Meanings And What They Are All About (With PROOF)

We all dream, well, at least SOME people dream.

Dreams have been put off for many centuries that they are simply just thoughts being processing from throughout our days. After all, we have THOUSANDS of thoughts per day and with our busy lives.

So, how in the world are we supposed to process all those thoughts?

I mean sure, that’s partly true, but what is there’s more to it?

What if our dreams have a deeper meaning behind them?

We’re going to get into the metaphysical and esoteric side of dream meanings and what they are all about.

Table of Contents:

I myself, have always had vivid dreams and have found some surprising realizations about dreams.

In fact, I’ll go into a little bit of information about dreams and some meanings behind dreams with PROOF.

Yes, you read that right.

I’m going to be showing you my dream journals/notes throughout all the years of me recording dreams in my Notes app. As you probably know, the Notes app has the date of when I wrote down the notes and I make sure to make NO edits to my notes once I recorded my dreams.

I want to make sure I keep the original date of my dreams in my Notes app.

My dreams are very wild and sporadic, so some of the random phrases and words I write down probably won’t make complete sense.

I will cut out any information that isn’t relevant to my point, but will keep the important information in my screenshots that are related to my point of view.

Consider yourself lucky, because you’re going to have the chance to see how dreams can be beneficial to us through my examples.

I know NOBODY that’s written about dreams has done this before, or much less, have SHOWN anyone their dream journal.

This will probably be the first time you see ACTUAL PROOF that dreams are much more than just processing thoughts.

First off, what are dreams exactly?

Dreams are a series of visuals, symbols, and metaphors that sit in our subconscious mind.

After all, we have the most access to our subconscious mind through sleeping.

Now, how does this pertain to the metaphysical side of dreams?

Well, because our subconscious has no ego, no knowledge of how reality works, or understands the influences of society, we have better access to the spiritual world and our spirit guides.

It thins the veil between our world and the spiritual world because we can’t get into our own heads, overthink, or over-analyze when we are asleep.

Therefore, our dreams can actually be a bridge between us and the spiritual world, as well as our spiritual wellbeing.

So, dreams can have other meanings to them than just processing thoughts from throughout our day.

Here are some dream meanings that I’ve discovered throughout my years:

Taz, my grandpa's dog

1. Showcase our spiritual and psychic abilities

Dreams can actually showcase our spiritual and psychic abilities.

I found out that some of my dreams were actually predictions that I never realize till years down the line when I looked back at my dream notes.

Now, be warned that my notes are ALL over the place and there have been parts of dreams that have been harder to hear.

Any sort of dreaming whether its dream journaling or even lucid dreaming will take practice to master. This note was back in 2017 when I literally never knew my dreams meant anything at all nor did I make any intention to understand my dreams better.

This dream note was back in 2017 where a spirit in the form of an old lady with a red book told me that someone on my dad’s side was going to pass away. All I heard was the number four, but I couldn’t hear if it was days, weeks, months, or what.

I said four days in my note for the sake of just putting down a timeframe.

I remember in my dream that the old lady spirit would NOT tell me a timeframe so I had a guess which was obvious wrong on the days, but the number four was correct.

It was four years later, in 2021, that my grandpa on my dad’s side passed away.

It was unexpected and still affects my family to this day.

There was also a chihuahua in the dream which I thought it was just some weird symbolism that was a part of my dream.

Because come on, a talking dog?

Well, turns out my family got my grandpa a chihuahua just a few years after I had this dream.

When he passed away, his dog was a little over a year old, so since this note was made in 2017, this was well before the dog was even born.

I basically predicted my grandpa’s dog (before he even got it) and his death, but since I was new to recording my dreams, I NEVER thought anything of it.

I looked back at this note three months after he passed away and was SHOCKED to see what the dream was about.

Sometimes, dreams can be an indicator of your psychic abilities, such as, seeing the future.

This doesn’t happen ALL the time, but sometimes if it’s something that’s really important, you’ll get this sort of dreams.

You will have to get to know your dream patterns and determine whether your dream can be a future prediction or not. Not every crazy dream is a future prediction, so don’t freak out if you get a dream about death or something like that. It solely is based off of how YOU perceive your dreams and if you can recognize your own dream pattern.

For me, I realize that something can be a future prediction because it’ll feel like a direct message towards me and not like I’m a third party watching a movie or playing a video game, like most of the dreams feel like.

I promise the front of the camper is white! The lighting doesn't do much justice!

Let’s give off another example that is a little less sporadic in another screenshot…

And no, I am NOT engaged to Bretman Rock, I just happened to watch a Youtube short of his RIGHT before going to bed, so he weirdly came into my dream.

Again, dreams talk in symbols, metaphors, and visuals, so they won’t always make sense…

Anyways, I had this dream back in December of 2021 and at this point, my husband had already proposed to me back in February, so the proposal portion isn’t a future prediction.

What I didn’t realize was that a few years later, we would be living the rv life in our camper.

You see, we were living in an apartment back then and my husband was traveling for work for years beforehand, so most of our relationship had to be long distant.

A few years after this dream, we decided to get rid of our apartment and get a camper so that I can be with my husband again.

Now, not everything happened EXACTLY like the dream, but at the time, we were trying to find affordable campers that looked nice and was in our budget. As you can see, the Universe was in our favor and we found the one!

I predicted this in my dream years ago about what our camper would look like. The lights in our camper give off a teal-blue color as well!

Again, dreams can showcase your psychic abilities like it has with mine.

2. Connection to spirit guides

Like I said before, dreams thin the veil between our physical world and the spiritual world. So, another dream meaning is that they bring us closer to connecting with our spirit guides.

You’ve seen in my first screenshot of one of my spirit guides telling me about my grandpa’s death. That hasn’t been the first time I’ve talked to my spirit guides.

I’ve talked to past guides, people’s Higher Self, and my Higher Self occasionally (it’s a little trickier for me when it’s my own).

Spirits can really take on ANY form they want, so if you get messages from family members, celebrities, or just random figures, just know your spirit guides may be taking on different forms.

Let’s take a look at a past dream of mine…

In a dream, a message from spirit came in the form of a Youtuber whose content I LOVE (itsbabyj is her Youtube channel).

So, I had a dream about needing to cultivate my goddess energy/feminine energy.

At those times, I was working a regular evening job while also trying to start other passions (such as this blog).

I was VERY hesitant to quit my job because I didn’t feel like I “made it” and wasn’t “making enough money”.

This stems from my past because I had done this before and ended up in financial hardships, hence, having to go back to a regular job and figuring out what I wanted in my career.

I knew my spirit guides wanted me to travel with my husband again after being long distance for four years and personally, I ALWAYS wanted to travel the world, but couldn’t because of my job.

I had a message from spirit in the form of my favorite Youtuber that I needed to cultivate my goddess/feminine energy, which for me, being in that energy is nurturing yourself, surrendering to the Universe, and going with the flow.

It was VERY hard for me to do any of that because I had that hustle mindset, but spirit was PUSHING me to basically quit my job and stop worrying about money because my bills will be paid anyways.

Again, this dream was back in June of 2022 which is about a year before I actually quit my job and traveled full-time with my husband.

Not that the money details are really anyone’s business, but I’ll just say that to this day, my bills are indeed, covered, and I get to sightsee the world.

I haven’t figured out about the jujutsu part, but I do hope to take jujutsu someday!

Must be a sign that it’s coming!

For me, this feels like a direct message from spirit. This is why I encourage people to write down their dreams, even if it doesn’t make sense.

It can LITERALLY be a direct message from you spirit guides.

3. Signs of spiritual healing

Another dream meaning to your dreams is that they can indicate signs of spiritual healing.

Some dreams may try to show us part of us that need healing that we aren’t consciously aware of.

Consider yourself lucky if you have one of these dreams because it means you are ready for inner growth and inner healing, which can sometimes take others many more lifetimes to obtain.

In my example, I needed to heal my perfectionist mindset and the fear of trusting people.

I thought it was just my Virgo nature, but apparently, I carried these wounds in my past life due to a hard life.

Apparently, I really screwed up my past life and got involved with some bad people, as well as dr*gs.

This would explain why in my current life, I was a “good girl” where I studied and did everything right by the books.

Never did dr*gs or luckily, have never been around sketchy people. I played it by the books of what society would deem as “good”, by getting good grades in school, being a “prude”, and just being the goody-goody person that everyone saw me as.

Now, I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but that would explain why I never really experienced my rebellious teen phase.

This dream indicated the parts of me I needed to heal, let go, and go with the flow more.

I’m still working on this and not being a perfectionist, but my life is a lot more “go with the flow” vibes than my usual structured mindset.

I mean, this blog post was a result to me just not overthinking it and just typing whatever comes to mind.

And yes, I’m working on becoming more social as well…

Look at your dreams and see if there are any signs you are getting that needs healing, whether that’s a direct message from spirit or a reoccurring dream that you’ve been getting.

It may just be pointing you into doing the inner work on certain aspects of yourself.

Always remember that it’s always for your highest good and you’ll realize it more when you start doing the inner work on yourself.

Do you dream? Have you ever recorded any of your dreams? Share in the comment section below! 

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Hi, I’m Carol! I created Here to be Inspired in order to teach YOU how to live up to your highest potential. Here, I will be talking about spirituality, self-development, law of attraction, and so much more!