Manifest Money Using Your Human Design Chart

Throughout my Human Design studies, I had learned how to manifest money through my own unique, energetic design.

And if you aren’t too familiar with Human Design, basically the short rundown is that your Human Design is your body graph that reads your unique way of how you show up to this world by combining astrology, the I-Ching system, quantum physics, and the chakra system.

And although I am certified in Human Design, I won’t go too deep into Human Design and the history of it because I’m here to talk about the interesting and specific parts of your Human Design chart.

So, if you are wanting a whole history lesson on Human Design, you’ll have to go somewhere else.

Table of Contents:

Now then, back to money manifestation.  

Ironically, the part of us that deals with how we can create abundance is called “The Money Triangle”

This money triangle creates a magnetic vortex where it talks about what you are here to do, who you are here to be, who you are here to serve, as well as what your point of magnetism is.

I highly recommend downloading the app Humdes, as this is a FREE app that will tell you more about your Human Design chart in detail.

In order to see your money triangle chart, you’ll want to look at the Hologenetics profile of your Human Design Chart.

You’ll find this profile in the following order according to the app: My Calculations>Calculation Results>Hologenetics

This will show you your Hologenetics profile, which is a sequence that commonly answers three big questions that people are always wondering: your purpose, your relationships (and how to navigate them), as well as how to achieve success and prosperity.

As far as I can tell from the app, it doesn’t specifically go into too much detail about the money triangle or explain in a simple way on how to manifest money.

Therefore, I will explain to you using my own Hologenetic chart.

Feel free to follow along with your own chart pulled up on the app!

I will explain to you the sequences, as well as the spheres, of what really determines how you manifest money.

1. Life’s Work

Let’s start off with your life’s work sphere.

For this sphere, this will pertain to your conscious sun. As you can see in my graph (as well as yours), you’ll find your life’s work represented by the sun that you will see in astrology.

This will mean that your life’s work is the area of your life where your life force energy lies. This is the core energy that is responsible for 70% of your conditioning, so it’s especially important for you to get to know this energy more, as you will be facing a lot of challenges and actions with this energy.

This is also masculine energy, so your life’s work is involved in a lot of your actions, branding, purpose, and how you show up to the world.

Now, I’m not expecting you to know the gates of Human Design, as that would literally take weeks to even explain in depth of these gates. You will have to look up what your gate means in your life’s work sphere (as well as the other ones).

I had already written notes down on my own money triangle graph, so I will go ahead and explain a little bit.

My life’s work is Gate 64 which is the gate of confusion. This gate is responsible for downloading ideas in blocks of info. The shadow is confusion and the gift is imagination.

So of course, the shadow aspect of this gate could lead me to feeling confused, overthinking about my ideas and thoughts, or sometimes, ignore the download that I received.

However, if I choose to embrace the gift of this gate, I can take this idea that I download and use my imagination to create something out of it.

This is something that has happened a lot when it comes to manifesting money or getting anywhere in my purpose and career.

I have mentioned so many times in other blog posts and my podcast that I have done so many random business ideas that I have either followed through on and still have to this day or have never worked out.

In fact, this blog was a download I had received about three years ago and I still create content for it to this day.

This is my unique way of expressing myself, as I find myself very creative and always coming up with ideas.

So, this makes sense with my life’s work.

Now, the number after the decimal represents the role you play in your life’s work.

The lines are 1-6 and your Humdes app does tell you what your line means as well, but I will also put the list here:

Line 1: The Creator

Line 2: The Dancer

Line 3: The Charger

Line 4: The Server

Line 5: The Fixer

Line 6: The Teacher

Therefore, my line is Line 3: The Charger.

The Charger is about being unpredictable, which can receive some judgment from others. The hardest thing about this line is letting go of the idea that there is a “normal”.

So, when it comes to any download I receive, I HAVE to let go of the outcome and just experiment with the idea.

Again, makes sense in my situation because I have been harshly judged for my career choices and how I want to manifest money into my life.

I literally just throw spaghetti at the wall until something sticks.

That’s the only thing that helps me learn more about what I want to bring into this world. The hardest part, for me, was detaching from the outcome and not getting upset if something doesn’t work out for me.

When you want to manifest money into your life, it’s important that you are always coming back to your life’s work. This will help ease your mind about whether you are doing something that you are naturally born to do and whether you are on the right path to manifest more money into your life.

And of course, you don’t have to be a business person to embody your life’s work.

This can easily pertain to a job that you desire to have.

2. Vocation

Next is being of service and taking action through your life’s work calling. Hence, the service line between the life’s work sphere and the vocation.

Your vocation is represented by the mars sign in astrology and if you know anything about mars energy, it can kind of bring up some challenging emotions. This is almost an immature energy if we do not learn to change it.

However, this energy also builds up momentum, which will happen when you cultivate your life’s work. It can lead to greater things in life, including manifesting more money.

So even if you think this energy is annoying to deal with, it’s necessary to get used to because it can build up momentum for your career, brand, or within your workplace.

So, my vocation is Gate 59 which is the gate of sexuality. This gate is driven to reproduce through children or creatively. It can also represent making deep connections.

Now, if you have this gate and you don’t want children, don’t worry, I’m not telling you that you need to have kids.

This gate is just giving sacral energy and your sacral chakra is where your creative energy lies (if you are aware of how chakras work).

This gate’s shadow is dishonesty, which can happen if I am not putting out content that I truly resonate with myself. The gift of this gate is intimacy, which is important for me to build a connection with my audience by talking about my own experiences and being relatable. I show people why investing in yourself is important and share what I have learned by investing in my personal growth.

And like I’ve said before, I have A LOT of creative ideas that come from my downloads.

So, once I receive a download, detach from the outcome, and just go and experiment on these ideas, I am naturally being of service of my vocation.

The line after the decimal helps you understand the greater picture and give you more clarity.

The lines are 1-6 which are listed as:

Line 1: Creativity

Line 2: Marketing

Line 3: Strategy

Line 4: Sales

Line 5: Management

Line 6: Investments

My line is Line 6: Investments.

People with this line are designed to see things in a BROAD perspective. These people are here to help others understand the ripple effect and the value of investments.

Not only do I talk about investing in yourself and reaching your highest potential in this blog, but I create content and use my creativity as a long-term investment that I can use to manifest money through other passive incomes. 

So, this blog has created other ripple effects like my podcast and my Youtube channel.

I also have other passive incomes such as a travel blog, which is another fun passion of mine that was easy to create for me because I already had this blog that I had created.

And any money I make through my passive incomes, I put it into other investments that will help me build generational wealth. The line 6 makes sense for me and why I bring my kinds of service to other people.

So, if you want to easily manifest money, embody your life’s work and see if it leads you to your vocation.

If it does, you’re on the right track!

3. Culture

Once you get clarity on your vocation by embodying your life’s work, this sequence will initiate people coming into your life: aka, your culture.

Your culture is the environmental influence that you attract by claiming your purpose. This is influenced by the planet Jupiter, where you gain the most influence and where your value and morals are.

Your culture is based on the kinds of people that are attracted to you and the impact you are making to the people around you.

My culture is in Gate 9 which is the gate of focus. So, I know that I am attracting the right kind of people when we all have the same goal in mind. Just like the gate says, this gate is about being focused and detail. This is also great for people who can concentrate for an extended period of time, which is important for me because I need the right people to have the same vision in mind for long-term purposes.

The shadow of this gate is inertia and the gift is determination.

So, it’s really important for me to attract people who are excited about the same goals that I have in mind when it comes to my brand. Having the right people around you will help you manifest money, as these people are here to assist you into making money.

And again, it doesn’t have to be in a business aspect like mine.

It can be as simple as being in a work environment where people are excited about their work, which will reflect YOU being excited about your work and giving you a better opportunity to get a raise, promotion, or whatever the case may be for you because you actually LOVE what you are doing.

The line after the decimal is 1-6 and reflected as the list shown:

Line 1: Individual

Line 2: Partnership

Line 3: Party

Line 4: Network

Line 5: Society

Line 6: Systems

My line is Line 5: Society which means I have potential to make a great change in society. I’m able to make big moves for the collective. This can also indicate managing large groups and disliking 1:1 settings.

Now, depending who you are, this may or may not sound intimidating, but for me, I have really big goals in mind that I want to achieve in this lifetime.

I’m not exactly sure HOW to get there, but I do hope to attract people with the same vision as I do to achieve these big goals of mine.

Line 5 people are also great in a leadership position, so don’t be surprised if you find people like this being the boss or being their OWN boss.

Your culture will be a great indicator that you are on the right path to manifest money when you attract the people or audience that resonates with your culture sphere.

Ask yourself questions like:

Are these the right people to be around for my success?

Is this the audience that I want to attract to my business?

Am I in the right work environment?

After all, when we ask really good questions to ourselves, we come up with really good answers.

From here, your culture will help you in your growth and manifest more abundance, which comes all the way back to your life’s work where you start the same cycle.

Like I said before, your life’s work is something that you will always have and come back to when you manifest money. It’s a part of your being that you naturally shine in the most.

As you can see with my Hologenetic graph, I will always download ideas (life’s work) and put them into my creative process (vocation) with a team of people with the same vision as I do (culture) that will also help my ideas come to life.

4. Pearl

Now, once you embody your entire sequence from your life’s work to your vocation to your culture and back around to your life’s work, you will find yourself making quantum leaps towards manifesting your higher purpose on a material plane.

The pearl sphere is your prosperity. This is where your natural relationship with money lies. This is what brings you back to being YOU.

Now, I do want to mention that just because it feels like you reached your destination, you are here to be of service.

I mean think about it: why do you think some of the richest people who are set for life still offer more products or their services?

Most likely, it’s because they are in their purpose and they have found that they truly love what they do, regardless of money.

And although this information is to help you manifest money, if all you care about is the money and not the passion, then honestly, you’re not going to stick with whatever you are trying to do to manifest more money into your life.

That’s just the truth of it.

And I said this before and I will say it again: People can lie, whether that’s towards themselves or other people, but energy does not.

And money is an energetic frequency.

You better love what you do because people will read your energy as just a money grabber if you’re just in it for a quick buck.

If what you are doing doesn’t even feel like work and you would do it even if it didn’t make you money at all, then this blueprint of your money triangle will be useful for you.

As you can see, my pearl sphere is the same as my culture (Gate 9: Focus).

When I am in my purpose, I am heavily focused into it.

Think of being in flow state with your work: that’s how I feel about my passions. It doesn’t even feel like work because the process of my work just flows perfectly.

The lines of the pearl sphere are 1-6 with the following meanings:

Line 1: Simplicity

Line 2: Recognition

Line 3: Celebration

Line 4: Charity

Line 5: Power

Line 6: Nature

My line for my pearl sphere is Line 2: Recognition.

My true prosperity is being recognized at a soul level. When I love myself deeply and completely, I am comfortable with being seen and recognized.

This has been especially true, as I had gone through some really in-depth inner work on myself around people’s judgement and being scared to show up online just two years ago.

I had to truly learn to love and trust myself in order to show up as my authentic self online.

So, if you have the same line 2 in your pearl sphere as well, it’s important to recognize yourself for who you are and learn to RECEIVE recognition.

After all, our life is a reflection of the thoughts we perceive about ourselves.

Having self-love and compassion towards ourselves is the utmost important way to manifest more money into our lives.

And speaking of recognition, I thank you for being here and reading this far into my blog post, as this is the LONGEST post I’ve ever made. It was important to me to speak upon what I’ve learned and share it with those who want more advice to manifest money with PURPOSE.

Thank you for being here! Your presence lets me know that I am reaching my highest purpose!

Do you feel like you are living your purpose abundantly, according to your chart? Share in the comment section below!

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Hi, I’m Carol! I created Here to be Inspired in order to teach YOU how to live up to your highest potential. Here, I will be talking about spirituality, self-development, law of attraction, and so much more!