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Manifest According To Your Human Design Type

Human design is such a vast topic that I’m honestly not surprised if you are confused on where to start.

When I was first learning and certifying in human design, it was helpful to break down the topic of human design into categories.

It’s important for you to know your human design chart up for this, so you can follow along in this blog post. I personally use Jenna Zoe’s human design chart website, but you can use whatever website offers your human design chart!

I’ll be starting off by talking about the human design types and what they all mean in detail.

That way, you are able to consume the necessary information on your specific human design chart and manifest according to your human design type!

Table of Contents:

1. Generator

If you are a generator, you will see different aspects of yourself like a defined sacral center. This sacral center is where action takes place, almost like a motor that just keeps going and going.

As a generator, it’s really important for you to do things that light you up and make life pleasurable for you. That way, you are REALLY optimizing the sacral center in your human design type.

When generators are feeling depleted in their sacral center, the best way to recharge yourself if through play, pleasure, doing things you joy, and rest.

That way, you are able to continue to optimize the energy in your sacral center.

When you look into your strategy as a generator, you will see that you will need to respond.

What this means, is that as a generator, you are a magnetic to ideas, so it’s important to respond to the ones that light you up. If you are going to have the energy to do something and actually complete the task, you’ll want to do something that lights you up and refuels that sacral energy of yours.

Even though generators are very action-oriented, you will want to only take action towards the things that light you up and are magnetized towards you.

As a hybrid of this human design type, just jumping into things don’t work out too well and will make you lose steam quite quickly. Jumping and taking the lead is more of a manifestor type and although any human design can lead, it’s important to learn HOW to using your specific human design type.

Your non-self is the reaction you have when something isn’t working out with your human design type. For generators, your non-self theme is frustration.

So, for generators, this can be triggered by doing something they don’t love or are jumping in and initiating instead of sitting back and waiting to respond.

Have you, as a generator, find yourself saying, “I’ve tried everything and it’s just not working.” The problem with this, is because you are basically trying too hard to make an idea stick to the wall.

What you’ll want to do in these cases is to respond to the things that light you up.

These examples can go like this:

-making a post about something you saw online and wanting to make content around it

-joining someone on a project that feels fun and exciting

-accepting offers that you feel like you will enjoy

See the difference in responding and not just throwing spaghetti at the wall until it sticks?

This is why generators (and manifesting generators) get frustrated so easily on the things that aren’t bringing us joy.

And the thing is, it doesn’t ALWAYS have to lead to something. Sometimes, responding to the things that light you up is a stepping stone towards the big goal or helps bring us a lesson that we need to learn in order to achieve your goal.

Your signature is satisfaction, which is feeling satisfied from the work that you are doing.

So, how did it feel to make that Tiktok? Are you proud of the work you have done? Are you satisfied (no matter where you are in life) at the process you have made on your goal?

If the answer is yes, then you are on the right track!

It’s the excitement you feel from achieving one more day of working out or one step closer to finishing that project that shows that you are on the right track as a generator.

Every action you take should fuel you into wanting to create more for yourself.

2. Manifesting Generator

I’m a manifesting generator, so I’m a huge expert on this human design type.

Manifesting generators are a hybrid of being a generator and a manifestor. The main difference between manifesting generator and generator is that we have a motor center connect to our throat center AND a defined sacral center.

This means that manifesting generator are able to respond through their sacral center energy AND initiate through their throat centers.

These human design types have a large amount of energy that can sustain them and move through things QUICKLY.

It’s been said in the human design community that manifesting generators are quick and are the best at finding shortcuts.

One of the important aspects of being a manifesting generator is that you are a generator FIRST, so you’ll want to respond to the things that light you up FIRST before informing. That means, before you respond to something that lights you up, it is best to inform those you are close to around you and let them be aware of what it is you are doing.

After all, manifesting generators move through life quickly and not everyone will be able to keep up with your ideas.

To avoid unnecessary conflict, you’ll still want, at least, let people know what you are about to do.

Because of this large amount of energy, it’s perfect normal for manifesting generators to be GREAT multi-taskers.

For me, this blog isn’t my only outlet, as I have several other creative outlets that I put my time in. I love them all so much and was so relieved to know that this is a natural talent of being a manifesting generator.

Your non-self theme can either be anger (like manifestors) or frustration (like generators).

When you aren’t in your zone of genius, you may feel very angry, like people don’t seem to get it and it makes you upset. Or if you have frustration (like I do), you may be really impatient and trying to make things work without a response first.

This happened to me MANY times in my past jobs, where I could work for them for a year or two, be fine, but then get increasingly get frustrated and angry at my job even though nothing particular at that job was terrible.

Heck, I’ve left even when I DID get the promotion or pay raise.

And this happens due to not doing the things that light me up, so my experience may resonate with you fellow manifesting generators.

When you are doing the things that light you up, your signature can be satisfaction like a generator, where you are proud of the work you are putting out.

Or, it can be peace where you feel like you are in a position where you are respected for your ideas and vision.

So, it’s important to look at the big picture of your goals and see where your feelings stand in your passions.

Manifesting generators tend to move through things pretty quickly, so it’s completely ok to get a taste of the things that interest you; however, be aware that sometimes we may have to go back and fill in the details when something we try out REALLY lights us up and we want to pursue further!

3. Manifestor

If you have an UNDEFINED sacral center and a motor center connected to your throat center, you are a manifestor.

Manifestors are the main initiators of the human design types and they are here to lead the collective and pave new ways for the world.

The issue that manifestors get a lot from others (and you, as a manifestor, may have experienced this as well), is that people tend to try to put you in a box or reject your ways of trying to initiate situations.

They feel like they have to ask permission and that’s the biggest downfall for a manifestor. In my opinion, as long as you aren’t hurting yourself or anyone else, you are naturally gifted with informing and initiating and it should be leveraged.

So, unlike all the other human design types, your strategy is to inform and get things started in your own way.

These human design types have to have a lot of courage to make informed decisions.

When you are in your non-self theme, anger occurs when others don’t see things your way and don’t get it. One of the things as a manifestor that you will have to face is having full faith within yourself and your ideas.

If you can find a community with similar ideas or similar passions, that’s even better because you will at least, have a support system that can be enthusiastic about your ideas, even if it’s people on the Internet.

When you are in your signature, you are at peace because you feel supported by your ideas and people resonate with what you are putting out.

So, if you needed sign to go after the things you desire, I hope this information on your human design type eases your mind and gives you permission to initiate those ideas into action!

4. Projector

If you are a projector, you will have no defined sacral centers or any defined centers connected to the motor throat center.

These human design types are the guiders and have a great sense of being able to steer people in the right direction.

My husband is a projector, so this human design type is one I get to see in person all the time.

This human design type is the only one where the best way for you to make a decision (aka, your strategy) is to be invited. Now, this doesn’t mean you just have to wait forever to get an invitation.

In fact, since projectors have a lot of open, undefined centers, they are quite magnetizing, but also have a penetrable aura. So, you’ll want to conserve your energy as much as you can.

For example, all the jobs my husband has had were an invitation. I kid you not, it was like he was always around the right people at the right time. It’s important have little expectations and no pressure around NEEDED an invite to something and to truly let it flow let it go.

And this doesn’t mean it always has to be a person that invites you. It can easily be situations or circumstances that may pique your interest and you may feel that inviting, welcoming feeling to try it out.

One of the examples for this, is that when the PS5 came out, it was SO hard to get. If you are a gamer yourself, you may remember when the PS5 first came out and how difficult it was to obtain one.

I mean, literally, people were bulk buying PS5 and trying to sell them for twice the price because it was so difficult to get.

Well, an example of the husband being in his human design type was that one day, he had gone out to breakfast in a town he wasn’t familiar with and when he finished, he stepped out of the restaurant and saw a Gamestop nearby with a huge line.

He had NO idea why there was a huge line in the first place, but he literally just got in line out of curiosity. Turns out, the line he was in was to buy a PS5 and he was able to buy one of the last TWO PS5s that the Gamestop carried.

This example right here is a projector using their strategy. As you can see, it doesn’t a person that told him about the line, he was just curious to see what it was all about, like his energy was invited to join.

The non-self theme for projectors us bitterness, which comes when nobody values or recognizes your efforts. You may end up feeling a deep resentment towards others and alone in your efforts and ideas. This can create a deep fear of not being able to fit in and people pleasing.

The thing is, my fellow projector, is that you have the knowledge, guidance, and skillsets to achieve the things you want. This will involve you getting really clear on your intentions and learning how to listen to your intuition.

You have to get really good at believing in yourself and know the value you are putting out is something that is cherished and important.

When you do this, your signature is success. You will find things falling into place easily and effortlessly where you are being recognized for your efforts, talents, and gifts.

And again, as someone who is with a projector, my husband has had the biggest success in his life by listening to his own intuition and getting “selfish” with his goals.

I highly encourage you to listen to your guidance, so that you are able to guide others as well.

5. Reflector

Out of all the human design types, being a reflector is the rarest human design type. In fact, 1% of the popular are reflectors, so if you are a reflector reading this, you are truly a rarity!

As a reflector, you will have NO defined centers in your human design chart. And because of all these open centers, you are going to be in-tune with cycles and patterns around you.

Think of yourself as a karmic mirror that reflects other people’s energies.

So, as a reflector, your strategy is to wait a lunar cycle which is around 28 days to make a decision. Now, this can seem pretty impossible when you have pressured to make a decision sooner; however, it doesn’t mean you HAVE to wait that long.

The best way to make a decision quickly is usually to talk to someone you trust and use them as a “sounding board” where you can freely and safely express your concerns without unsolicited advice.

Another way you can do this is to just say no for now until you get a clearer idea of what it is you want to do.

These ways are usually best to make smaller, quicker decisions; however, for big decisions, you’ll want to take more time, sleep on it, wait a month or so, and THEN see where you feel on this big decision.

You’ll want to be in-tune with your own natural rhythm and be in the right environment, so you aren’t influenced by unnecessary energies.

When you are in your non-self theme, you may come across disappointment, whether this means you jumped into something and was not able to pull through and be consistent OR feeling disappointed that things didn’t work out the way you wanted to.

I do want to point out that when it comes to disappointment, in my personal opinion, I feel there’s a lesson in everything you do in life. Whether something works out or not doesn’t matter because it’s the stepping stone towards the goal you are going after.

I never look at anything in life as a failure or something that didn’t work out because truly, our Higher Selves are helping us learn the tools in a situation and projecting us further into what we want and who we want to be.

When you are in your signature, it will come as a surprise where things turn out to be better than you were expecting.

I like to try to give reflectors a heads up that being alone, having a healthy support system, and learning to be in-tune with your energy is really important when you are such an open book to the world.

Reflectors are GREAT at showing us our reflections and it’s important to give yourself time and grace when being this rare human design type.

What is your human design type and do you resonate with your type? Share in the comment section below!

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Hi, I’m Carol! I created Here to be Inspired in order to teach YOU how to live up to your highest potential. Here, I will be talking about spirituality, self-development, law of attraction, and so much more!